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Green Water Purification System Works Without Heavy Metals or Corrosive Chemicals

Creation Date Wednesday, 13 March 2019.

Green Water-Purification System Works Without Heavy Metals or Corrosive Chemicals

In a recent article published by Science Daily, Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) and Yangzhou University (YZU) scientists have developed a new water purification method using graphic nitride sheets. This new purification technique eliminates the use of any metal-based photocatalytic disinfectant, leaving no secondary pollution or heavy-metal residues.

Using this new method, researchers were able to produce a prototype that purified a pathogen-rich water which killed over 99.9999 bacteria. The purified water even met China’s standard for safe drinking water.

Greener catalysts tend to be less efficient than metal-based purification systems. However, this unique catalytic technology has bypassed this failing while offering a more environmentally safe water treatment unlike conventional methods that makes use of UV light, chlorination, or ozone disinfection.

Nanosheets of graphitic carbon nitride is an ultra-thin two-dimensional material with electronic properties that absorb light and generate reactive oxygen. Plenty of hydrogen peroxide is generated using this configuration, which oxidizes the cell walls and wrecks havoc on the chemical structures of bacteria, efficiently killing them.

However, the team from IPE and YZU acknowledge that other devices are still needed to remove heavy-metal ions, adjust pH, and remove residue to thoroughly purify water. This new system is not intended to single-handedly purify water and should be used in combination with other systems to meet standard purification requirements. Read more about this here.

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