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Natural Bacteria-Fungi Combo Removes Nitrate From Water

Creation Date Tuesday, 26 September 2023.

Natural Bacteria-Fungi Combo Removes Nitrate From Water

A research team from the Chinese Ministry of Natural Resources in Xiamen and the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in Germany successfully identified a natural fungi-bacteria consortium that can efficiently and consistently remove nitrate from water.

This microorganism combination not only bypasses the expensive and time-consuming process of isolating individual bacteria and fungi strains but also eliminates nitrate by up to 100 percent. It also creates molecular nitrogen (N2) and nitrogen oxides from the nitrogen bound in nitrate at 44 percent efficiency.

Although no practical applications exist, identifying the right mix of bacterial and fungal groups that can efficiently remove nitrate from water is a crucial first step in discovering microbial consortia most suitable for water treatment.

Microbial consortia are still new in biotechnology in wastewater treatment but have long been used in fermentation processes of food and beverages.

Read the full article here to learn more about the potential impact of this study on finding more ways to clean wastewater.

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